An Unlikely Bond: From Aquariums to Lifelong Friendship | Blogchatter Half Marathon 2024 | Entry № 11

Sameer Gudhate
4 min readSep 7, 2024


Friendships often surprise us by emerging from the most unexpected places, weaving themselves into the fabric of our lives in ways we could never predict. One of the most cherished friendships in my life started in an aquarium shop and has evolved into something profoundly meaningful. It’s a story that I believe captures the essence of how true connections can form amidst life’s unpredictabilities.

It all began with Subodh, a man with a modest aquarium shop and a side job at a call center. His younger brother managed the shop, but it was Subodh’s passion and dedication that truly stood out. At the time, I was engrossed in the world of aquariums, having recently started a small part-time venture. Our interactions were frequent as I visited his shop for supplies and advice, and each visit brought a new layer to our budding friendship.

I vividly recall one particular day that defined our connection. I was struggling with a stubborn aquarium setup — water quality was erratic, fish seemed to be struggling, and my frustration was reaching its peak. I was on the verge of giving up when I decided to call Subodh for help. To my relief, he didn’t just offer advice over the phone; he showed up at my house with a toolbox filled with testing kits, spare parts, and an eagerness to help.

Subodh’s arrival was nothing short of a godsend. He arrived with a warm smile and an aura of calm, instantly putting me at ease. We spent hours working on the tank together — testing water quality, adjusting filters, and chatting about everything from fish care to life’s little quirks. His patience and expertise not only fixed the tank but also lifted my spirits. It was more than just a technical fix; it was an example of how genuine support can turn a challenging day into something manageable.

As time went on, I took the plunge and opened my own aquarium store, driven by passion and the hope of creating something lasting. However, despite my enthusiasm, the venture faced numerous hurdles. Eventually, I had to close the shop — a tough decision that felt like a personal defeat. During this time, Subodh was a steady presence. He had his own share of struggles with his shop, having opened and closed it multiple times, yet he remained a source of encouragement.

Our friendship wasn’t built on daily communication or regular meetups. Instead, it was defined by moments of silent support and unspoken understanding. We didn’t need to be in constant touch to know that we were there for each other. This became abundantly clear during a period of profound personal loss.

When my father’s health took a turn for the worse, I was overwhelmed and struggling to cope. One evening, while at the hospital grappling with the harsh reality of his passing, I made a call to Subodh. I was unsure what to expect, but within fifteen minutes, he was by my side. His presence in such a moment of grief was more than comforting — it was a lifeline. We didn’t need to speak much; just having him there, offering his silent support, was a profound reminder of the depth of our friendship.

Looking back, this friendship is a testament to the extraordinary nature of human connections. It’s a reminder that the most meaningful relationships often arise from the most unlikely circumstances. Subodh and I met through a shared interest, but our bond grew into something far deeper — one built on mutual respect, shared experiences, and unwavering support.

This story also highlights the importance of cherishing those who stand by us through thick and thin. It’s not about the frequency of interactions or grand gestures but the quiet consistency and readiness to be there when it matters most. Subodh’s support during one of the darkest times in my life was a poignant reminder of the true essence of friendship.

So, I invite you to reflect on your own experiences: Have you ever forged a friendship in the most unexpected of places? How has it impacted your life? Share your stories in the comments below. It’s these unique and often unforeseen connections that enrich our lives and teach us valuable lessons about resilience, loyalty, and the true meaning of companionship.

Our friendship, which began amidst the aisles of an aquarium shop, is a narrative of connection and resilience. It serves as a reminder to value and cherish the friends who stand by us through life’s challenges, regardless of how frequently we see or speak to them. As I look back on our journey, I am profoundly grateful for the bond that has enriched my life in ways I could never have anticipated.

This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon 2024

